Monday, December 14, 2009

CTS 1,079: Bad "bounce"

Today I received an e-mail from "" to tell me that I was not selected for the Cherry Blossom 10-miler.

Wow. Bounce? Really? Might as well say "loser."

I'm surprised the race can only hold 15,000 participants. Atlanta's Peachtree 10K has 45,000 each year with no trouble. Maybe running in the nation's capital is not as sophisticated as organizers would like it to be.

Of course, the race dangles entry forms over "bounced" runners' heads by means of having them raise $500 for charity. For the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Strong Legs 10K last month I raised well over that amount.

It's highly unlikely though that I will raise a penny for the other race given its inability to properly use a transitive verb. That may have cost it thousands of dollars in donations.

UPDATE: The race director responded very quickly to my complaint e-mail saying that he will have future race notifications with the e-mail "info" instead of "bounce." I am glad the race was responsive to this issue.

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