Thursday, June 18, 2009

CTS 900: Milestone, Middlebear

I really procrastinated today, until it was pretty late mid-day. I thought about running to Atlantic Station but knew that the run I would want on my 900th day of running would be my hardest course -- Middlebear.

I was pretty happy. Yesterday, coming off a 9-mile run on the last half of the ING half marathon course (and a 3-mile shortcut home), my legs were tired and I turned away before I got to Mpx.

Today I felt pretty good and ran up the three tall hills on McClendon before needing to get into the Gatorade I carried.

That said, I had to stop for another bottle at a convenience store. While I was drinking that, and was totally soaked, my ego was bolstered by a cute 20-something girl who said "You're brave to run in this heat. I always try but can't."

Can't wait to make it 1,000 days in a row.

Time: 11:30 a.m.
Temp: 82-87 degrees
Gear: SST (Va-Hi Summmerfest 5K 2009), shorts, Nike Air Pegasus/D3.


Shrike said...

I'm not impressed unless you reach 1095 days in a row.

Wow, 900? That's a big number! How are your knees?


kurokitty said...

(knock on wood). My knees are good! I run like a cat! lol

Gnome said...

It's cool to think of how many other people in the world have run 900 days in a row. Probably not too many.