Tuesday, December 9, 2008

CTS 709: Flat tire

Ran today to drop off a book that I sold on half.com at the Post Office and then decided to add a few more miles to it.

Into the first mile, I experienced the same kind of thing that I had during The Weather Channel Atlanta Half-Marathon during Thanksgiving: My left shin muscle didn't really want to be running - it didn't hurt but I could tell I wasn't going too fast.

My left leg didn't have the springiness that the right had. My legs for the most part were tired and I'm still coming over a cold I'm glad I completed the run, though.

The weather was really a gift for this time of year, and especially compared to other runs the last few days that included 32 degrees and 46 degrees yesterday.

So it kind of was a shame. But I'm glad I got the run in.

Time: 11:45 a.m.
Temp: 52 degrees
Gear: LST (Brookfield), shorts, AP/D1. (Although I probably could have gotten away with just a SST.

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