Sunday, January 28, 2007

Shoes in the air

One moment I was fine, just coming off of hill Mpx on my Middlebear course, the next I was on the ground, both shoes totally in the air.

It doesn't happen that often, but I totally tripped over a piece of raised concrete yesterday and fell on the ground.

I had just crossed Clifton and was thinking of how I shouldn't have had lunch an hour before the run. Next thing I knew, I was totally on the ground. Scraped up part of my right arm and my right leg.

I should have known better, as the day before, I nearly tripped while trying to crest L2 approaching the rabbit from the other side of the street. My left shoe got underneath a raised part of the hexagon sidewalk and actually raised the hexagon up, the only reason why I didn't fall.

I could feel the scrape on my leg while I was running back up L2, the wind hitting it, but neither one was bleeding. Luckily Empire's girlfriend had some peroxide for it after the run. Neither scrape was as bad as the cuts I've incurred from sliding in kickball. LOL

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