Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Marine Corps Marathon entries for sale

In case you missed out on the lottery for the Oct. 22 Marine Corps Marathon, there are entries to be had at the Phidippides running store here in Atlanta. They announced today that they had entries for sale on their website.

I ran in the race in 2014 and it was one of my top memories in my running career. When I saw the announcement, I nearly jumped to sign up for the race but then thought better of it, thinking that I would have some trouble gearing up for a marathon in eight weeks and just two weeks after I'm planning on running in the Army Ten Miler (also in Washington, D.C.).

Someday I'll run in it again and will base my training on the eight words that I said to the Marine who handed me my marathon medal three years ago: "Thank you for your service to this country."

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