KULA, Hi. -- Today I ran down from the mountain, via the Kula Highway and Lower Kula Road to the Holy Ghost Church.
A man was just opening the church up, so I got to see inside. Despite its small size, it looked pretty spacious. I counted four sets of nine pews that easily could seat six each.
The view was pretty wonderful. On the way back the hills didn't seem to be that big of a problem and although I told myself it would be fine to walk up the hilly (220 feet elevation gain in six-tenths of a mile) road back to my grandmother's house, I found myself able to handle the pretty technical hill.
I was able to accelerate on the very last bit and even though I scaled their hilly driveway, I still was huffing and puffing a little.
But now I'm glad I did it! It was an excellent way to close out a sad but good trip to Hawaii.
Time: 6 a.m.
Temp: 65 degrees
Gear: CFSST (Patagonia, red), shorts, Nike Air Pegasus+ 26/B.
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