Sunday, August 23, 2009

CTS 966: Like on the Tour

Today my gf and I hit the road for a 6.6-mile run on her course. It was pretty breezy, despite a late (9:30 a.m.) start and I've gone back to wearing regular cotton T-shirts (SST) instead of the all-plastic wicking shirts.

It's an interesting combination when we run. My girlfriend is a speedy, all-around runner, kind of like how Lance Armstrong is in the Tour de France -- pretty good on the flats and the steep hills. I'm more like the domestiques on his team, a natural hill runner who helps pull her up the hills.

I'm getting better at her course, though, and more quickly able to recover after the steepest hill, which is Piedmont Avenue before Piedmont Park.

Today I really thought about stopping to get water while in the park but I decided not to. I ran and recovered pretty well in the bowl but after we ended the run, I drank a lot of water. Unsure whether I'll stop to get water in the future in the park.

Glad it's cooling down though.

Gear: SST (Carolina-gray), shorts, Nike Air Pegasus/D3.

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