Saturday, January 27, 2007

From brisk to beautiful

A crowd of runners pass by, in small groups, as I walk past CNN this morning. It's about 35 degrees, so everyone's mainly wearing hats, gloves and water-wicking gear. One lady is in shorts and her legs are beet red as she passes through the intersection.

As nice as this brisk morning is, however, I'd rather wait a while. It's going to be about 60 degrees later today, another of many gifts we've received in the middle of winter. Running in 50-degree-ish weather is my favorite because it's warm enough to run in shorts and I don't overheat as I climb the L1 and L3 hills. And it's nice to be running on a warm day when lots of people are out -- the runners, the dog walkers, the cyclists.

Plus, it's going to be plenty cold the next week or so. I'll savor that warmer afternoon, knowing that I'll have plenty of chilly running outings.

One thing I'm constantly worried about is the hard surface of my routes. Concrete is pretty inescapable in the city. I feel occasional pings and pangs in my legs but there's really nothing I can do about it for right now. My shoes are still pretty new (about 150 miles).

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